Vicky Foskolou
Extended CV: Click here
Vicky Foskolou studied History and Archeology at the University of Athens (1985-9) and continued her postgraduate studies at the University of Heidelberg (1991-1996). She received her PhD from the University of Athens (2000). The subject of her doctoral dissertation was: The Omorphi Ekklesia in Aigina. Iconographic and stylistic Analysis of the Wall Paintings. She has taught Byzantine Archeology as to Lecturer on temporary appointment at the University of Crete and as tutor at the Greek Open University (2003-2017). In October 2004 she became lecturer, in June 2012 assistant professor and in June 2024 associate professor in Byzantine Archeology at the Department of History and Archeology of the University of Crete.
Research interests: Byzantine monumental painting; Iconography; Byzantium – West: relationships and interactions in the field of art; Pilgrimage; Aspects of private devotion in the Byzantine world: artefacts, beliefs and practices
Recent Publications:
2014, «The Magic of the Written Word: the evidence of inscriptions on Byzantine magical amulets», Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society 35, 329-348.
2015, “The blonde sister of Lazarus in the Omoprhe Ekklesia of Athens. Another proposal for a historical reading of ‘Western influences’”, in DASKALA. A honorary tribute to Prof. Maria Panayotidi-Kesisoglou, eds. Pl. Petrides, V. Foskolou, University of Athens, 507-523 (in Greek).
2016, “Relics, Miracles and Eulogiae: The Archeology of the Cult of Local Saints”, Deltion Christianikes Arheologikes Etaireias 37, 157-180 (in Greek).