Alexandros G. Maridakis

E.DI.P. (Laboratory Teaching Staff)
Laboratorial-cognitive fields: Skills on Information technology and New Technologies; Growth of digital – web content; Management of I.C.T. Systems
e-mail: maridakis[at]uoc[dot]gr
Office No.: 21
Telephone: +30 28310 77371
Office ours: Monday/Tuesday 11.30-12.30 (it is recommended to communicate first by e-mail)
Extended CV:
Alexandros G. Maridakis holds a degree in Electrician Engineering and Engineering of Computers Technology from Polytechnic Faculty, Patra’s University and a Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization.
Since 2003 he is a member of the Department of History and Archaeology, School of Philosophy, University of Crete. As a member of Laboratory Teaching Staff, his work consists in the support and growth of skills on the Use of New Technologies – Management of I.C.T. Systems for students.
He has participated in technological and research projects and he has a multi-annual important instructive experience in issues of information technology and I.C.T. in general. He also participated as an instructor in the courses of information technology and use of PC that had been imported in the Department in the frames of B’ CSF and E.P.E. HM. Mr “Reformation of the curriculum of the Department of History and Archaeology, aiming at the organic connection of studies with the Technologies of Information Technology and Communications”.
In the past few years he has been systematically involved in the training and the continuing education and training as a lecturer of seminars and courses in I. EC, Mr EC, as well as a supervisor/overseer in the examinations of certification T.P.E. of professors and schoolteachers. He has also been occupied as scientific coordinator and instructor of programs of professional training (KEKAPER Centre of Professional Training of/Region of Crete).
At the same time he has been occupied as laboratorial/scientific collaborator in the Polytechnic College of Crete (Department M.T.&A.) in courses, as: Introduction in the planning and in the T.P.E., Digital Electronic, etc.
He has published in scientific magazines, participated with papers in international scientific congresses and in research teams. He has professional experience in the fields of administration, teaching and research. He has participated in several boards (elected or not), as well as in various committees for commissions or for the monitoring of research projects, in the course of his duties.
Training: He has attended seminars of Continuing Education/Professional Training, as listed below:
– “New Technologies in the Telecommunications and the Information Technology”, Technical College of Crete (TEI of Crete).
– “Financing Management and Construction of co-financed works”, IN.EP./ National Centre of Public Administration.
– “Education of Instructors of Adults”, E.KE.PIS.
– “Data Communications and Computer Networks”.
Other Activities: ex-member of the University Senate as representative of special personnel, member of: the Greek Corporation of Information Technology Scientists (E.P.Y); the Technical Chamber of Greece (T.C.G.); the Union of Engineers as Public Employees (E.M.D.Y.D.A.S.) and of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Electricians Mechanical Engineers, Evaluator-Expert of E.S.Y.D. (National System of Accredidation) on Information Security Management System (I.S.M.S.) standards.
Research interests: Laboratorial support of the teaching methodology of applied information technology; computers and I.C.T. for students, within the frame of adults’-students’ education; designing and developing electronic-web applications and services, teleconferences and electronic learning.
Computer lab courses:
Winter semester:
Βασικές υπολογιστικές εφαρμογές και χρήση ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή [ΕΜ001], [Basic computing skills (Introduction to ICT)].
Αξιοποίηση εφαρμογών και εργαλείων Τ.Π.Ε. για την ανάπτυξη επιστημονικού και ερευνητικού ψηφιακού περιεχόμενου [ΕΜ005], [Utilization of I.C.T. applications and tools for developing scientific and research digital content.
Spring semester:
Προχωρημένες δεξιότητες σε εφαρμογές πληροφορικής και χρήση υπολογιστή [ΕΜ003], [Advanced computing skills (Introduction to I.C.T. II)].