Yiannis Kokkinakis

Associate Professor in Modern History
E-mail: kokkinakis[at]uoc[dot]gr
Office no: 68
Telephone: 0030 2821093117, 2831077359
Office hours: Every Monday and Thursday 16.30-17.30
Extended CV: Click here
Born in 1967, Yiannis Kokkinakis is an associate professor in the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Crete. His research work has included participation in the Hellenism of Cappadocia project at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies (1990-1992), the History of the National Bank of Greece in the 19th century at the National Bank of Greece (1999-2001), a Visiting Fellowship in the Hellenic Studies Program at Princeton University (2002-2003) and an Honorary Research Fellowship in the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck College, the University of London (2011-2012). His interests include monetary history, the history of the Cretan State, the history of the United States, social policy and the welfare state and the history of public health and the bioeconomy.