Katerina Panagopoulou
Extended CV: Click here
Ass. Prof. Katerina Panagopoulou studied History and Archaeology at the University of Athens, Greece (1993) and obtained her PhD at the History Department at University College London (2000, supervisors: Prof. M.H.Crawford – Dr. A.Burnett, British Museum). On a postdoctoral level, she has been Fellow at the Program of Hellenic Studies at the University of Princeton (2002) and at the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford (2003). She currently teaches Hellenistic and Roman History at the University of Crete (as from 2004) and has taught (as a Teaching Assistant) at Royal Holloway College / University of London and independently at the Universities of Patrae, Corfu (Ionion) and at the Hellenic Open University. She has also worked (as a Research Assistant) at the Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity / Hellenic Research Centre (1993-4) and at the Foundation of the Hellenic World. Her research interests encompass ancient numismatics, the economic behaviour of precious metals (primarily silver and gold) in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, demography, politics and economy in Hellenistic and Roman Macedonia, Social Network Analysis and economic history, social history of the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Research interests: Ancient economy, precious metals in antiquity, ancient numismatics, demography, politics and economy of Hellenistic and Roman Macedonia, Social Network Analysis and economic history, social history of the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Recent publications:
2017, Τhe Early Antigonids: Coinage, Money and the Economy (N.York: American Numismatic Society Special Series).
Coedited Volumes
Α. Βresson – K. Panagopoulou (eds), Networks around Commodities: Social Network Analysis and the Ancient Economy.
E. Fassa – K. Macris – K. Panagopoulou (eds), The Changing Face of Hellenism: Cultural Transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean, 323 BC – 700 AD (provisional title).
2009, Ι. Malkin – C. Constantakopoulou – K. Panagopoulou (eds), Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean (London: Routledge, 2009.
2007, Ι. Malkin – C. Constantakopoulou – K. Panagopoulou (eds), “Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean”, v. 1-2, Μediterranean Historical Review Special Issue (2007).
Edited Volume
2017, K. Panagopoulou (ed.), Ανταλλαγές – Συναλλαγές στην Αρχαιότητα, Epeteris of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Crete (Rethymno: Faculty of Letters of the University of Crete).
‘Saviour‘ Monarchs in Context: (Ab/uses) of the Title Sōtēr in the Hellenistic Period’, in Ε. Fassa – C. Macris – K. Panagopoulou (eds), The Changing Face of Hellenism: Cultural Transformation in the Eastern Mediterranean, 323 BC – 700 AD (provisional title).
‘Βetween Federal and Ethnic: The Koinon Makedonōn and the Makedones Revisited’, in H.Beck – K. Buraselis (eds), Greek Ethnos States: Internal Mechanics, External Relations.
‘Hellenistic Macedonia Revisited: Some Evidence in Redating the ‘Later Macedonian’ Posthumous Alexanders’, in Proceedings of the XV. International Numismatic Congress, Taormina / Sicily.
2017, ‘Commercial Networks and Gold in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods’, in A.Bresson – Κ. Panagopoulou (eds), Networks around Commodities: Social Networks Analysis and the Ancient Economy, Μediterranean Historical Review Special Issue (Tel Aviv).
2017, ‘Ρωμαϊκή Κως’, Chapter in A. Γιαννικουρή (ed.), Νομίσματα – Νομισματική Αιγαίου, Κως ΙΙ (Athens).
2017, ‛Με αφορμή τις απομιμήσεις των πρώιμων Αντιγονιδικών κοπών: οι απομιμήσεις των διεθνών Ελληνιστικών νομισμάτων και ο οικονομικός τους ρόλος’, ‘Εισαγωγή’, in Κ. Παναγοπούλου (ed.), Ανταλλαγές – Συναλλαγές στην Αρχαιότητα (Hράκλειο: Εκδόσεις της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης).
2016, ‘Gold in Ptolemaic Egypt: Exchange Practices in P.Cair.Zen. I 59021’, ZPE 197 (2016) 179-90.
2016, ‘O χρυσός στο βασίλειο των Πτολεμαίων: πρακτικές συναλλαγών στην Πτολεμαϊκή Αίγυπτο με αφορμή τον πάπυρο P.Cair.Zen. I 59021’, in Π. Βιγλάκη, Ν. Δασκαλάκης, Π. Ζωγραφινάκη, Ε. Καπράνος (επιμ.), Ἀελλόπος: Τιμητικός τόμος για την Ίριδα Τζαχίλη (Ρέθυμνο: Ιστορική και Λαογραφική Εταιρεία Ρεθύμνης).
2014, ᾽Plutarch’s Northern Greek Cities’, in L. Athanassaki – F.Titchener (eds), Plutarch’s Cities.
2010-11, Λήμματα στη Wiley-Blackwell Electronic Encyclopedia of Ancient History (eds: R. Bagnall, C.Champion, A.Erskine, S.Huebner): 2010, ‘Alexander, nephew of Gonatas’ (υπεύθυνος: A. Chaniotis). 2011, ‘Money, Graeco-Roman (υπεύθυνος: D.Hollander). Πρβ. http://www.encyclopediaancienthistory.com.
2009, ‘Preface’, in Networks in the Αncient Mediterranean, vol. 1, Μediterranean Historical Review Special Issue (2007) pp. 1-9 = ‘Introduction’, in Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean (London: Routledge) pp. 1-11 (coedited with Prof. Ι. Μalkin and Dr. C.Constantakopoulou).
2007, ‘Between Necessity and Extravagance: Silver as a Commodity in the Hellenistic Period’, BSA 102, 315-43, pl.18-21.
2005-2006, ‘Cross-Reading Images: Iconographic ‘Debates’ between Antigonids and Ptolemies during the Third and Second Centuries BC’, Εulimene 6-7, 163-181.
2004, ‘Nόμισμα και κυριαρχία στη Θεσσαλία: H Περίπτωση των Γόμφων / Φιλιπποπόλεως’, in Oβολόs 5 (conference publication).
2001, ‘The Antigonids: Patterns of a Royal Economy’, chapter in Z. Archibald, J.K. Davies, V. Gabrielsen & G.J. Oliver (eds), ‘Hellenistic Economies’ (London: Routledge) 313-362.