Antonis Anastasopoulos

Associate Professor of Ottoman History

E-mail: anastasopoulos[at]uoc[dot]gr
Office No.: 78
Telephone: (+30) 2831077368
Office hours: Mondays, 14.30-15.30; Tuesdays, 14.30-15.30

Extended CV: Click here

Antonis Anastassopoulos was born in Athens in 1969. He studied History and Archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He completed his M.Phil. and doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Oriental Studies. He has been teaching Ottoman history at the Department of History and Archeology of the University of Crete since 1999, and is also affiliated with the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas. In January 2010 he taught a cycle of four seminars at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques, in Paris, and in the spring semester of the academic year 2015-2016 he taught Greek and Balkan History at the Department of History of the Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. He has edited or co-edited five volumes of collected essays, and has published more than 30 articles in academic journals, collective volumes and encyclopaedias.

Research interestsΤhe Ottoman provinces with an emphasis on political relations in the eighteenth century; Islamic tombstones of the Ottoman period; history of water management.



Recent publications:

Antonis Anastasopoulos, ‘Η Οθωμανική: μια “μοντέρνα” αυτοκρατορία;’ [The Ottoman: a ‘modern’ empire?], in Anna Machaira, Stratis Bournazos and Leda Papastefanaki (eds), Το πνεύμα, πρωτοξάδελφος του γιακωβινισμού… Κείμενα αφιερωμένα στον Χρήστο Χατζηιωσήφ [The spirit, first cousin of Jacobinism… Texts dedicated to Christos Hadziiossif], Heraklion: Crete University Press, 2023, 733-753.

Antonis Anastasopoulos, ‘Time-Related References and Markers in the Kadı Court Registers of Kandiye (Heraklion)’, in Hülya Çelik, Yavuz Köse, Gisela Procházka-Eisl in collaboration with Julia Fröhlich (eds), Buyurdum ki….”: The Whole World of Ottomanica and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Claudia Römer, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2023, 336-352.

Antonis Anastasopoulos, ‘Ottoman Islamic Tombstones from Lekani and Other Villages North of Kavala’, in Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel, Benjamin Lellouch (eds), Déchiffrer le passé d’un empire. Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes, Paris, Louvain, Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2022, 485-510.

Antonis Anastasopoulos, ‘Veroia-Thessaloniki: The Administrative Relationship Between a Local and a Regional Centre in the Eighteenth-Century Balkans’, in Anastasia Papadia-Lala et al., Ο Νέος Ελληνισμός. Οι κόσμοι του και ο κόσμος. Αφιέρωμα στην Όλγα Κατσιαρδή-Hering [Modern Hellenism. Its worlds and the world. Tribute to Olga Katsiardi-Hering], Athens: Ekdoseis Eurasia, 2021, 41-50.

Antonis Anastasopoulos, ‘The Sicils of Karaferye (Veria) in the Eighteenth Century: A Case of Transformation?’, in Seyfi Kenan and Selçuk Akşin Somel (eds), Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity: In Memory of Metin Kunt, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021, 367-378.