Elias Kolovos

Professor in Ottoman History
E-mail: kolovos[at]uoc[dot]gr
Extended CV: Click here
Elias Kolovos was Professor in Ottoman History at the Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Crete, Greece until the academic year 2023-24. He participates also at the “Islamic Legacy” Action of the European Cooperation for Science and Technology, representing Greece, and in a research project at the Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology. He is the elected Secretary of the Board of the International Association for Ottoman Social and Economic History.
He has written, edited, and coedited 18 books and over 80 papers in Greek and international publications and journals. His research interests include the Mediterranean economic history, the history of the insular worlds, the history of the frontiers, rural and environmental history, as well as the spatial history and legacies of the Ottoman Empire.
Recent publications:
Elias Kolovos, Across the Aegean: Islands, Monasteries and Rural Societies in the Ottoman Greek Lands, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2018.
ed. with R. Avramov, A. Fotić, and Ph. K. Kotzageorgis) (eds), Monastic Economy Across Time: Wealth Management, Patterns, and Trends, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia 2021.
Elias Kolovos (ed.), Ottoman Rural Societies and Economies, Halcyon Days in Crete VII, A Symposium Held in Rethymno, 13-15 January 2012, Crete University Press, Rethymno 2015.
(with Panagiotis C. Poulos), Athens Besieged: Greek and Ottoman Perceptions of Shifting Space During the Greek Revolution of 1821, Journal of Greek Media & Culture 7/2 (2021) 229-238.
Elias Kolovos, Border(is)lands: The Ottoman-Venetian Frontier of the Ionian Islands (Late Fifteenth to Late Seventeenth Century, in: Anastasia Papadia-Lala et alii (eds), Ο Νέος Ελληνισμός, οι κόσμοι του και ο Κόσμος. Αφιέρωμα στην Όλγα Κατσιαρδή-Hering [Modern Hellenism: Its Worlds and the World. Festchrift in Honour of Olga Katsiardi-Hering], Eurasia Publications, Athens 2021, 413-427.
(with Panagiotis C. Poulos), Introduction, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique moderne et contemporain [en ligne] 4 (2021) [=Histories, Spaces and Heritages at the Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Greek State], URL: http://journals.openedition.org/bchmc/859
Elias Kolovos, Histoires méditerranéennes et insulaires: une famille de captifs musulmans originaires de l’île de Syra devant le cadi prisonnier à Malte (1651), in: Elisabetta Borromeo et al. (ed.), Déchiffrer le passé d’un empire: hommage a Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes, Peeters Publishers, 2022, 455–64. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv2tjdg3b.28
Elias Kolovos, The Fortress and the Town of Rhodes According to the Ottoman Survey After the Siege of 1522, in: Simon Phillips (ed.), The 1522 Siege of Rhodes: Causes, Course and Consequences, Routledge, London 2022.