Panayotis Ioannou

Professor in Art History
E-mail: ioannou@uoc.g[at]uoc[dot]gr
Office No.: 70
Telephone: 0030 2831077361
Office hours: Every Tuesday, 12:00-14:00

Extended CV: Click here

Brief Biography

Education: BA in History and Archaeology, University of Athens; MA in History of Western Art, University of Athens; PhD, University of Crete, Thesis on the work of the painter Belisario Corenzio (1558-1646).

Career: 1993-1997 Member of the editing board of the “Dictionary of Greek Artists” (16-20 cent.), vol. 1-4, Athens, Melissa Publishers, 1997-2000; 1997-2004 Research in various Italian archives, mainly Venice, Naples, Rome; 1999-2000 Researcher at Hellenic Institute of Venice; since 2005 Lecturer of Art History in the University of Crete; since 2011 Assistant Professor of Art History in the University of Crete; since 2018 Associate Professor of Art History in the University of Crete; since 2007 Researcher at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies / Foundation for Research and Technology.

Research interests: Italian Art (15th-17th cent.) – History of Art History – El Greco



Recent publications: 

Leonardo da Vinci, Leon Battista Alberti, Andrea Pozzo: On Painting. The First Translations of Art Treatises in Greek, Herakleion, Crete University Press, 2016

«El Greco tra i “Madonneri”: la critica, le ideologie, il mercato. Nuove luci sul recupero del Trittico di Modena (1937), Studi di storia dell’arte, vol. 27, 2017, pp. 151-174

« ДОКУМЕНТИ, КОИТО СЕ ОТНАСЯТ ДО ДЕЙНОСТТА НА Д. ДОБРОВИЧ В ИТАЛИЯ / Documents relating to the life and work of Dobrovich in Italy», in The Romance of the XIX Century: Dimitar Dobrovich (1816-1905). Life and Works, edited by Daneva, Sofia, New Bulgarian University, 2017, pp. 164-188