Mercourios Georgiadis
Extended CV: Click here
He was born at Athens in 1975. He studied Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Birmingham (1998) and concluded his MA degree at the University of Cambridge (1999). He had his PhD degree at the University of Liverpool (2003). He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Nottingham (2005-2012) where he taught Aegean Prehistory modules. He taught as a Lecturer at the Open University of Cyprus (2009-2012) and worked as a Faculty Member at the University of Nottingham (2013-2016), teaching BA and MA modules of Aegean Prehistory and Mediterranean Archaeology. He had been awarded with the European Research Programme Marie Sklodowska Curie and worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institut Catala d’ Arqueologia Classica in Tarragona, Spain, (2019-2022). Since 2024 he has been teaching Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Crete.
He has conducted fieldwork in Greece and Spain, which included both excavations and intensive surveys.
He has been a member of the European Association of Archaeologists and a Honorary Researcher at the Institut Catala d’ Arqueologia Classica in Tarragona, Spain.
Research Interests: Minoan, Mycenaean, Early Bronze, Neolithic Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Prehistoric Pottery, Burials and Religion.