Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis

Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis received a first-class degree in History and Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; he did his post-graduate studies at the University of Bonn, Germany and received his doctorate (summa cum laude) in Archaeology, University of Thessaloniki. Between 1984 and 1991 he was elected successively to the positions of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor. Since 1994 he has been Full-time Professor at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete, of which he also served as President (1991-1993). In 1994-1997 he was Dean of the University’s School of Philosophy. Co-director of the postgraduate program “The Ancient Greek World” and Director from 2005 to 2016. He is also the Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art (N.P. Goulandris Foundation) in Athens. N. Stampolidis is the author of several books, including The Altar of Dionysos on Cos (1981 and 1987), The Seal-Impressions from Delos (1992), Eleutherna III.1, 2, 3 (1993-1995), Reprisals (1996), Aegean Olympic Victors (2001). He has also edited many books and volumes, Proceedings of International Symposia and Conferences, Catalogues for important Archaeological Exhibitions and Honorary volumes. He has contributed with Introductions, chapters and entries in most of the books mentioned above. His papers have been published in established Greek and international academic journals and conference proceedings. He has organized and curated big archaeological exhibitions, such as Eastern Mediterranean (1998 and 2001), The City Beneath the City (2000), Ploes … Sea Routes (2003), Magna Grecia (2004), Eleutherna: Polis-Acropolis-Necropolis (2004/5), Cycladi: Capolavori di una civiltà Egea (2006) in venues on Crete, in Athens, and Rome. He has excavated in Vergina, Akanthos, Rhodes and Crete. He has visited and studied various archaeological sites, Museums and their storage rooms in countries as Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Malta, Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia), Vatican city, Spain, Morocco etc. He has organized International Symposia and Conferences and has edited their Proceedings, sometimes with the co-operation of colleagues.
Honorary Distinctions: Member of the D.A.I. (Germany), Silver Medal of the University of Crete, Honorary Citizen of Eleutherna, Prize of Letters and Arts of the Church of Crete, 1st Prize of the Regional Government for his achievements at Eleutherna.
Research interests: Inter-relations between the Mediterranean Peoples in the Early Iron Age, Homeric Archaeology, Geometric and Archaic Periods, Hellenistic Sculpture and Architecture.
Since 1985, he has undertaken a systematic excavation at ancient Eleutherna on Crete (West Section III).
Recent publications (indicatively):
“Protoarchaic Sculpture from Eleutherna; first approach”, in Neue Funde archaischer Plastik aus griechischen Heiligtümer und Nekropolen, Intern. Symposium, Athens 2-3/11/2007, Athenaia 3, 2012, 1-17.
“Questiones Daedalicae’ from the necropolis of Orthi Petra at Eleutherna”, Proceedings of the International Conference “Kreta in der geometrischen und archaischen Zeit”, Athens, January 27th – 29th, 2006, Αthenaia 2, 2013, 221-232.
Σταμπολίδης Ν. Χρ., Ιδανικές “μορφές” κι αγαπημένες – Εικονογραφώντας ποιήματα του Καβάφη, Αθήνα 2013.
The Enigmatic Hunt Phiale from Eleutherna and the Imagery of Interaction: A preliminary look”, in SOMA 2012: Identity and Connectivity, edited by L. Bombardieri et al., vol. I, (BAR International Series 2581(I) Oxford), 379-388.
Near Eastern Imports and Imagery on Crete during the Early Iron Age”, in Assyria to Iberia: At the Dawn of the Classical Age, New York 2014, 282-292.
“Slewn by the Iron”, in International Symposium on Human Sacrifices in Antiquity, Pasiphae, Milano 2014, 149-154.
Σταμπολίδης Ν. Χρ. & Τασούλας Γ., ΙΑΣΙΣ. Υγεία, Νόσος, Θεραπεία από τον Όμηρο στον Γαληνό, Αθήνα 2014.
Σταμπολίδης Ν. Χρ. & Οικονόμου Στ., ΕΠΕΚΕΙΝΑ. Ο Θάνατος και η Μεταθανάτια Ζωή στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, Αθήνα 2014.
“A ‘Homeric’ Glass Object from the Necropolis of Eleutherna, Crete”, in Annales Congrés de l’ Association International pour l’ Histoire du Verre, Piran 2012, Thessaloniki 2015, 75-80.
Stampolidis N. Chr., Manez C., Kopanias K. NOSTOI: Indigenous Culture, Migration and Integration in the Aegean Islands and W. Anatolia during the LB and EI Ages, Istanbul 2014/2015.
Σταμπολίδης Ν. Χρ., Κυκλαδική Κοινωνία 5000 χρόνια πριν, Αθήνα 2016.
«Eleutherna on Crete: The Wider Horizon”, in Assyria to Iberia: Art and Culture in the Iron Age, New York 2016, 283-295.
Σταμπολίδης Ν. Χρ., Θεϊκοί Διάλογοι, Αθήνα 2017.
Σταμπολίδης Ν. Χρ., Τασούλας Γ., Τσαγκάρη Δ., ΧΡΗΜΑ. Σύμβολα απτά στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, Αθήνα 2017.
“Cycladic Figurines from Eleutherna”, in Cycladica in Crete: Cycladic and Cycladizing Figurines within their Arcaheological Context, Athens, 1-2, October 2015, Aθήνα/Ρέθυμνο 2017, 1-13.